Office of the

September 22, 1997

To: Members of the University Community

        Last week I completed consultations on the processes for selecting a new vice-president academic, dean of arts and science, and vice-president administration. The helpful comments which were received are appreciated and will be reflected in these activities, although not all views could be accommodated.

        The search procedures build on past experiences and also on advice received in the interim from external and internal reviews. Given the amount of search activity this year, and other demands on everyone's time, these committees have been kept reasonable in size. As well, one of the committees will be asked to handle the searches for both the vice-president academic and the dean of arts and science.

        The Board of Governors has asked me to play a role in selecting the team of administrators who will take office next July and, therefore, to chair these search committees. Once the next president has been named, he or she will also be invited to take a role. The composition of the search committees will be:

For VP academic and dean of arts and science:

  • four faculty elected by and from among members of Faculty Council (one from each academic division and one at-large)
  • two students named by the student Senate caucus
  • one member of staff named by OPSEU

For VP administration:
  • two faculty elected by and from among members of Faculty Council
  • two students named by the student Senate caucus
  • one member of staff named by OPSEU
  • one member of staff named by exempt employees

        Both committees will consult with the university community about the challenges that will face the next incumbents in these positions and the background, experience and personal qualities that are needed. The committees will begin meeting in late October or early November.

        While the search committees will be required to maintain strict confidentiality, I will nonetheless provide the community with regular updates on progress.

        The success of these searches depends very much on the search committees.

        I urge all members of the university to give careful thought and encouragement to those individuals you feel would make the best contribution to these processes.

Thank you very much.

David C. Smith
Interim President and Vice-Chancellor

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Maintained by the Communications Department; last updated: October 3, 1997