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   Trent University

Trent University invites nominations and applications for the positions of Vice-President (Academic) and provost, and Dean of Arts and Science, effective July 1, 1998

Vice-President (Academic) and Provost

The Vice-President (Academic) and provost has responsibility for the University's academic programs and for academic planning, including faculty appointments and professional development, the academic functions of the residential colleges, the library, student recruitment and services, and enrolment management. The Vice-President is the primary liaison with partners in joint programs; these currently include Queen's University, York University, Sir Sandford Fleming and Durham Colleges, and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. As Provost, the incumbent will be expected to deputize for the President.

Directly reporting to the Vice-President (Academic) are: the Dean of Arts and Science, the Dean of Research and graduate Studies, the University Librarian, the Registrar & Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs). the Director of Computing and Telecommunications Services, the Director of the Trent International Program, and the Heads of Colleges. The Vice-President (Academic) and Provost normally carries a one-course teaching load.

Dean of Arts and Science

The Dean of Arts and Science reports to the Vice-President (Academic) and is a member of the President's executive group. The Dean is responsible for the undergraduate teaching programs of the University, recruitment of faculty, the provision of academic support services and the management of an operating budget of $20 million. The Associate Dean (Science and Teaching Support), the Principal of Julian Blackburn College (for part-time students) and the heads of 25 academic departments and interdisciplinary programs report to the Dean, who collaborates closely with the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies to maintain balance among the University's undergraduate, graduate and research activities in a single-Faculty environment.

The Dean of Arts and Science chairs or serves on a number of key university committees, is an ex-officio member of Senate and its Executive Committee and normally carries a one-course teaching load.

Nominations and applications, including the qualifications and accomplishments on the basis of which the individual merits consideration for either of these positions should be submitted in confidence to the address shown below.

In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Trent University is committed to employment equity, welcomes diversity in the workplace, and encourages applications from all qualified applicants including women, members of racial minorities, aboriginal people, and persons with disabilities.

Janet Wright & Associates Inc.
21 Bedford Road, Suite 100
Toronto, Ontario M5R 2J9     Fax: (416) 923-8311

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