Graduation, Employment and OSAP Loan Default Rates:

Trent University

April 2000


Graduation Rate (1)

Employment Rate (2)

Default Rate (3)
6 months 2 years
Agricult/Bio Sci - 90.2% 94.6% 2.1%
Other Arts and Science (4) 70.6% - - 20.0%
Business & Commerce 81.8% 100.0% 100.0% 12.5%
Computer Science - 90.0% 90.9% 36.4%
Fine & Applied Arts - 100.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Humanities - 96.2% 97.4% 13.1%
Mathematics - 100.0% 100.0% 11.1%
Physical Sc - 75.0% 100.0% 12.5%
Social Sciences - 91.2% 94.4% 14.4%
TOTAL 71.3% 92.6% 95.9% 13.5%

1. Percent of year 1 students in bachelors or first professional degree programs in 1991 who subsequently received a degree between 1992 and 1998 in any program area.

2. Percentage of 1997 graduates of bachelors or first professional degree programs who were employed 6 months and two years after graduation.

3. These 1999 default rates reflect the repayment status of students who were issued Ontario Student Loans in the 1996-97 academic year and completed or exited their studies in 1996-97. Includes graduate students in these programs.

4. "Other Arts and Science " - includes students enrolled in General Arts and Science majors not specified by other categories or unspecified.

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