Trent Fortnightly Online


by Joe Muldoon
Research Officer

Important deadlines


        Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Sept. 29; Fulbright Program, Sept. 30; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) major equipment and major installation, Oct. 1; National Health Research and Development Oct. 1; Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada Going Global 1997-98, Oct. 1; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) grants, Oct 3; NSERC grants, Oct. 24; SSHRC Aid to Occasional Research Conferences, Nov. 1.

        SSHRC Committee on Research, Nov. 14; NSERC Committee on Research, Nov. 14; SSHRC Aid to Small Universities, Nov. 28; SSHRC sub-committee (includes travel grants to international conferences), Nov. 14.

WWW grad school links
        The Office of Research and Graduate Studies has developed World Wide Web links to graduate schools and financial aid information via

        Anyone who misses information sessions for honors students should request
a booklet on how to apply to graduate school from the graduate studies officer Pat Strode at

Graduate scholarships
        Application deadlines for major 1998-99 awards are: Rhodes Scholarship, Oct. 8; Commonwealth Scholarship, Oct. 10; Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Oct. 24; NSERC postgraduate scholarship, Oct. 28; SSHRC doctoral fellowship, Dec. 5; Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS). Students should also check departmental and college notice boards for information on graduate programs and graduate and undergraduate awards, and bookmark the Research News and Deadlines page on the Trent Web site at

        For more details, see the Office of Research and Graduate Studies Web site
at http://www/ or phone 748-1496.

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Last updated: September 26, 1997