Trent Fortnightly Online

Dean of research

        The position of associate dean, held by Paul Healy, may soon been elevated to dean of research and graduate studies.

        Senate endorsed the title change Sept. 16 and the Board of Governors will decide Sept. 26.

        The change recognizes research as an important part of Trent's academic mission, said David Morrison, acting vice-president academic. It also conveys the message that Trent is as committed to research as other universities, most of which name deans or vice-presidents in charge of research.

        The dean of arts and science will be the more senior position, said Morrison. But both deans will report to the VP academic.

        Healy, whose three-year term ends next June, will receive a review this year to determine whether his term will be extended to five years.

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Last updated: September 26, 1997