Trent Fortnightly Online

Celebrities barbecue

Mayor Jack Doris (right) and CKPT news director and Trent alumnus Jack Roe serve hot dogs Sept. 30 to kick off Trent's United Way campaign. They were among the special guests barbecuing at the event which raised $172.80. The biggest boost for the university campaign came from Marriott at Trent, which presented $1,235 from the sale of hot dogs and hamburgers at Friday barbecues during the summer.By Oct. 3, the campaign had brought in $27,194, or 54 per cent of the $51,000 goal.

Early bird winners
Jim Karagatzides won Joanne Heath-Menger's framed print Baby on Board, the special prize in Trent's United Way early bird draw Oct. 3.

        Other early bird draw winners were: Jackie Muldoon, instant camera; Ralph Colley, Dale Buelow and Fred Helleiner, $10 Trent University Bookstore gift certificates; Joanne Heath-Menger, a Pampered Chef product from Pat Strode; Elsie Holloway, Margaret Doxey and Dan Powell, environmental mugs from Marriott at Trent; Marie Howson, Jean Cole and Patricia Heffernan Frost, Trent greeting cards from the Communications Department; Pauline Johnston and Bernadine Dodge, Paul Wilson T-shirts from Alumni Affairs.

        Winners of the Oct. 10 and 17 draws will be published in the Oct. 23 Fortnightly and appear on Trent's Web site at

Oct. 25 walk-a-thon
The Trent Child Care Centre is organizing a 10-kilometre walk-, bike- and skate-a-thon Oct. 25 to raise money for the United Way. The event starts at the centre and proceeds to Parkhill Road and back along the greenway path on the east side of the Otonabee River. For information, call 743-2811.

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Maintained by the Communications Department
Last updated: October 9, 1997