Trent Fortnightly Online

Historian wins heritage award

Trent history professor and Peterborough historian Elwood Jones has received an Ontario Heritage Foundation Achievement Award.

        Peterborough mayor Jack Doris presented Jones with the award Sept. 15. Under the Ontario Heritage Foundation's Heritage Community Recognition Program, each community can make one nomination a year.

        The city's culture and heritage board past-chair Lynn Cooper cited Jones for 25 years of involvement in heritage and historical issues in Peterborough and for his published histories of the city, the Peterborough fair and, most recently, the Peterborough Golf and Country Club. The citation also noted Jones's role in "bridging between heritage organizations," through the Peterborough Historical Society (of which he is president) and the Trent Valley Archives (of which he is past-president and founder). Two years ago, he also played a key role in the city campaign to acquire the Roy Studio photograph collection.

        "The award is an honor to receive, especially since the nominations come from peers in the heritage movement who understand that every advance is a collective victory," says Jones. He has no intention of retiring. "I have always felt that professors are public servants and should use their skill and knowledge to help the community. So, in a sense, the award is one for both the Peterborough Historical Society and for Trent University."

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