Trent Fortnightly Online

Construction countdown

Students who had to take classes in downtown schools and churches should be back in classrooms on campus by the end of this month. Otonabee College's two new 75-seat rooms and 150-seat lecture theatre will be open before the end of October, says Physical Resources director Steve Dantzer.
        Most of the $5-million summer construction projects that didn't get finished before students returned in September should be finished this term, he says. They include the three biggest projects totalling $3.7 million: new physics section, Otonabee College offices and dining hall, and the new Ministry of Natural Resources offices and labs.
Otonabee College
The ground floor renovation is almost finished and occupied. Research and Graduate Studies and Computer Studies have new quarters. * The dining hall flooring will be installed and ceiling finished during reading break (Oct. 18-27). * In addition to the new classrooms, upper floor renovations -- three small seminar rooms, the Native Studies office and lounge -- should be completed by the end of October. * The junior common room and a new elevator will be housed in the former Research and Graduate Studies Office and renovated once Ministry of Natural Resources staff have moved to new space in the Science Building. The elevator will provide handicap access to the junior common room and Wenjack Theatre stage. Work is scheduled to begin in November and be completed in January.* Flooring will be installed next year in the upper corridor and outside Wenjack.

Physics building
The first occupants will move into this new $1.4-million structure during reading break, with finishing construction continuing to December.


Levelling and waterproofing of section between the Science Complex and Otonabee College will be done this fall to have same-floor access connecting these and the physics building

New labs
New Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) necropsy lab and Trent's geomorphology lab added to the Environmental Sciences Centre should be completed by the end of October-- with the exception of the loading dock. MNR staff should be moving into renovated labs on the third floor in the Science Complex before the end of November.

MNR storage compound
The final phase of the MNR researchers' move to Trent involves construction of an 8,000-square foot storage facility, valued at $250,000, adjacent to the university's grounds yard. The MNR is assuming all costs and leasing the land from Trent for up to 20 years (matching the lease of laboratory space in the Science Complex.) Site preparation begins this month with construction completed in December.

TIP moves
Renovations to relocate the Trent International Program office to Champlain College and changes to the Dean's Office in Lady Eaton College have been completed at a cost of $60,000

College changes
The Lady Eaton College Pit has been refurbished for $24,000. * A new $50,000 storage barn will be constructed this fall at Traill College to replace the previous Langton barn. * Window replacements priced at approximately $100,000 will be done at Champlain College. * Traill's Bradburn House was renovated at a cost of $275,000 to transform upper-level rooms to apartments. * And Otonabee's "A" House was renovated for $360,000.

Planning for next summer's projects has begun already to give more lead time to order materials and hire contractors, says Dantzer.

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Last updated: October, 1997