Trent Fortnightly Online

City students get first awards

Interim president David Smith presented six city high school students with City of Peterborough Awards at city council Oct. 6.

        They were the first to benefit from an arrangement struck last January between city council and Trent. Last spring, the city pledged $535,200 over three years to Trent. Matched by the province under the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund, the pledge helped the city fulfil a 1989 commitment of $1.7 million to Trent. The parties agreed that the final contributions of $178,400 each year from 1997 to 1999 would be used to help finance the education of city students at Trent.

        Each student received $450 towards their first year at Trent. They are Ryan Johnston of St. Peter's School; Meredith Jenkins, Adam Scott Collegiate; Jennifer Hammond, Kenner Collegiate; Holly Johnson, Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School; Erika Milley, Peterborough Collegiate; and Tim Johnson, Crestwood Secondary School.

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Last updated: October 9, 1997