Trent Fortnightly Online

United Way Campaign News

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Lemon wins big prize
Trent security guard Dan Lemon has won the grand prize of an overnight trip to Toronto, donated by Marriott.

        For campaign updates and Oct. 10 and 17 draw prize winners, check Trentıs Web site at

Retirees first off the mark
On the first day of Trent's campaign, 10 of the 34 early donations came from university retirees.

        Donation requests are mailed to retirees 10 days before the official start of the campaign, "so that they have a chance to receive their package and reply in time for the first draw," says campaign co-ordinator Sybil Thorn. A lot of them are first off the mark to contribute to their former employer's campaign.

        By Oct. 15, 22 of 170 retirees had donated $2,820. They were among 178 donors who had given almost $39,700 by the same date. The goal is $51,000 this year.

Practice run for walk-a-thon
Jonathan pulls a wagon full of fellow preschoolers and Myles rides his bike with teachers Gorica Suvajak (back left) and Sue Scoffin (right) in a practice run for Saturday's walk-a-thon organized by the Trent Child Care Centre to raise funds for the United Way. The Oct. 25 event is a 10- kilometre walk-, bike- and skate-a-thon from the centre along the paved path on the east side of the Otonabee River to Parkhill Road and back. For information, call 743-2811.

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Last updated: October 23, 1997