Trent Fortnightly Online

Presidential search update

Trent's Crest

October 15, 1997

To: Members of the University Community

The Presidential Search Committee thanks the University community for all of the helpful input provided during the consultation phase of its work. In addition to the insights provided by the student, faculty and staff members of the Trent Consultative Committee during the summer, in October the search committee held consultation meetings with 21 individuals and groups and two open sessions for the whole University community.

        Informed by these consultations, the committee has developed a clear sense of the background, experience and personal qualities that will be sought in our next president. These are detailed in the presidential position profile, a document which is used extensively in the recruiting and selection process. The presidential position profile is posted on the University's website at and is available in hard copy from the University Secretariat by calling 748-1600.

        The search committee is very eager to cast its net as widely as possible. If you know someone you believe would be a good candidate for the presidency, please let our search consultants know directly as soon as possible. All nominations will be held in strict confidence and all names suggested will be considered by the search committee. The search consultants, Janet Wright and Gerri Woodford, may be reached by email at and telephone or fax at 416 923-8311.

        In the first week of November the search committee will begin the process of reducing the pool of candidates to a short list. It is important that any nominations from the University community be received by the end of October before we enter this phase of our work.

        Thanks again to all of the individuals and groups who have shared their thoughts and experience with the search committee.


Don Ferrier
Presidential Search Committee

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Last updated: October 23, 1997