Trent Fortnightly Online


by Joe Muldoon
Research Officer

Important deadlines
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) committee on research, Nov. 14; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) committee on research, Nov. 14; SSHRC sub-committee (includes travel grants to international conferences), Nov. 14.
NSERC research grants, Oct. 24; SSHRC aid to occasional research conferences, Nov. 1; North Atlantic Treaty Organization science fellowships, Nov. 1; Imperial Oil 1998 university research grants, Dec. 1; Environmental Science and Technology Alliance Canada, Dec. 1; NSERC/SSHRC chairs in the management of technological change, Jan 15.

Graduate student deadlines
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Oct. 24; NSERC postgraduate scholarship, Oct. 28; SSHRC doctoral fellowship, Dec. 5; Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS), various dates. Anyone who misses the information sessions for honors students should contact the research office for information.

A reminder
Faculty are reminded that projects whose funding falls under both NSERC and SSHRC committee on research jurisdictions must apply by Nov. 7.

        Applications that need to be approved by the human research or animal care committees must be sent to the respective committees in sufficient time to meet the Nov. 14 deadline.

        Application forms are available from the research office or can be downloaded from the Web site for NSERC applications or /sshrc.htm for SSHRC applications.

        Applications for SSHRC international travel grants can also be downloaded from the Trent Web site or by calling the office.

For details, contact the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Otonabee College 101, at 748-1245 or consult the Web site

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Last updated: October 23, 1997