Trent Fortnightly Online

Literary tribe gathers around Findley

Fans of writer Timothy Findley line up Oct. 18 for his autograph at the Trent University Bookstore. He and about a dozen other Canadian authors signed books at the bookstore and the Peterborough Public Library as part of a weekend celebration of Findley's oeuvre at Trent. Poet Phyllis Webb (rear left) signs her books while Fall on Your Knees author Ann-Marie MacDonald (rear right) talks with writer Bill Whitehead.

Writers Margaret Atwood, June Callwood, Phyllis Webb and Don Harron joined dozens of other Canadian writers last weekend to celebrate Timothy Findley and help raise almost $10,000 for an annual creative writing award at Trent in his name.

        "The tribe has gathered," said Peter Gzowski, echoing Margaret Laurence's phrase for the community of Canadian artists. He and broadcaster Shelagh Rogers co-hosted the program for 240 people at the gala banquet in the Great Hall Saturday. It highlighted a weekend of lectures, readings and films at Trent attended by 300 and was the biggest celebration of an author at Trent since a tribute to Margaret Laurence 10 years ago.

        "Isn't it wonderful at last that we are finally recognizing our own?" said Gzowski of the event. It was a theme Findley himself picked up after Harron, Callwood, Atwood and Whitehead told anecdotes -- in prose and in verse. Canadians have confidence now, he said. "We'll never be Œonly Canadians' again. Not because of our politicians, not because of our policy makers, but because of our artists."

        About 100 volunteer students, faculty and staff volunteered. Some took photos which will exhibited, along with videos of readings, in November.

        Quaker Oats was the premier sponsor of the event. Support also came from the Symons Trust Fund, the Frost Centre, Trent University Bookstore, Canada Council, the Writers' Union of Canada and HarperCollins Publishers.

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Last updated: October 23, 1997