Trent Fortnightly Online

Students fund soup kitchen

Last Tuesday, the Soup Kitchen Collective will put the soup on in the basement of Jung House and feed hungry, poor students and young people who cross the threshold. It was the first weekly dinner the collective plans to offer. And it's endorsed to the tune of $1,300 by the Trent Central Students Association (TCSA).

        Trent students Matt Silburn and Ashe Rao, who belong to the 10-member collective, petitioned the TCSA last month for $2,000 to set up the kitchen. It's a response to the hardships felt by many students and youth and the need for building supportive ocmmunity structures, says Silburn, a fourth-year environmental and resource studies student.

         The collective also plans to offer free child care during meals and start a lending library. "We aim to create a community safe-space where everyone feels comfortable and treats each other with dignity and respect," says Silburn. People using the space will be involved in making decisions and running the space.

        Jung House is currently home to Arthur and one of three downtown properties Trent is considering selling. It is located at 302 King St.

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