Trent Fortnightly Online


by Joe Muldoon
Research Officer

Important deadlines
Distinguished Faculty Research Award (Sciences), Dec. 12; 1997 personally funded research/travel claims, Dec. 12; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) personally funded travel, Dec. 15; SSHRC Aid to Small Universities competition, Jan. 7; Trent SSHRC research fellowship, Jan. 7.

Imperial Oil research grants, Dec. 1; Environmental Science and Technology Alliance Canada, Dec. 1; British Council Programs, various dates; Status of Women, Dec. 12; Canada Health Services Research Foundation, Dec. 15; Arthritis Society, Dec. 15; Ontario-Quebec exchanges, Jan. 9; NSERC/SSHRC chairs in the management of technological change, Jan. 15.

Field work in the North
The Northern Scientific Training Program sponsored by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada gives Canadian graduate and senior undergraduate students a chance to conduct thesis-related field work in the Canadian territories, provincial norths and other circumpolar countries. Such northern experience can be used to earn an undergraduate-degree emphasis in northern and polar studies. (see page 172, University Calendar). Apply by Nov. 28.

Undergraduate research awards
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) is offering seven undergraduate research awards next year to Trent students in natural sciences. NSERC will consider students in first, second and third year at the time of application with a cumulative B average. NSERC grants $3,600 over four months and the university must contribute another 25 per cent for a total of $4,500. Faculty members holding an NSERC grant supervise the work of award recipients. Apply by Jan. 16.

        NSERC offers a similar program for undergraduates who wish to work in an industrial laboratory. Students may apply directly to one or more eligible companies. The deadline is Jan. 16.

For details, contact the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Otonabee College 101, at 748-1245 or consult the Web site

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Last updated: November 20, 1997