Setting priorities
Monthly accounts out Between May and October, academic and administrative departments received one account activity report in August instead of every month. On Nov. 12, the finance office issued September reports. October's report should be out on a more timely basis, said financial services director Tony Van Hoeckel in an Oct. 30 memo. The delay is the result of the switch to a new financial system and new general ledger numbers, Donna Hoard, accounting services manager, told account holders in August. "We are slowly making progress," said Van Hoeckel in his memo.
Sports camp wins seal of approval The 60-year-old non-profit association judges camps for standards of health, safety, leadership, programs, out-tripping and administration. "During both provisional visits, OCA volunteers were extremely impressed with the overall activities and staff of the sports camp," says camp director Bruce Emmerton. "We are all extremely proud to have an official endorsement from the experts in summer camps."
Borrow electronically TOPCAT is accessible at computers in the library, via the Internet and by modem from a home computer. Choose "Options" on the main menu, then choose "Submit ILL Request." The library hopes to eliminate paper requests entirely in the new year, according to librarian Dianne Cmor and information services officer Sharon Bosnell in a message about the electronic request form. "This is the first phase in an ongoing project to take advantage of electronic capabilities with respect to ILL," they write. "You will see changes over the next few months as we refine our system."
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