Trent Fortnightly Online


Look, a novel by Ali Smith, last year's writer-in-residence at Champlain College, has been shortlisted for Scotland's most prestigious literary award, the Saltire Award. Smith completed the novel during her stay at Trent last winter, according to Champlain College master Stephen Brown, who is currently in Scotland on sabbatical.

Martin Boyne (Ancient History and Classics) participated in a roundtable discussion on modern productions of ancient drama at the conference Crossing the Stages: The Production, Performance and Reception of Ancient Theatre, in Saskatoon, Oct. 23-25.

Charmaine Eddy (English) presented a paper, 'It Can't Speak To or About Itself': The Discursive Function of the Corporeal Symptom in Luce Irigaray, at Body Projects I: Incarnations, Inscriptions, Adhesions, Invasions held Sept. 17-20 at the University of Saskatchewan.

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