Trent Fortnightly Online

Science camp for kids

Chemistry instructor Huda Al Haddad is rounding up Trent students to plan and deliver lab experiments, science modules, computer demonstrations and nature walks for the second annual Science Camp '98 in May and June.
      Between May 4 and June 19, Trent is offering 11 three-day camps to non-enriched Grade 6, 7 and 8 classes from across Ontario. Each camp offers up to 120 students 48 hours to explore the world of science, technology and nature, and live on a university campus.
      The program instructors will be students, chosen by the university faculty and staff. They are designing modules in physics, chemistry, biology and environmental sciences.
      Trent students are also organizing evening recreation activities for the children, who will be housed and fed with teachers and chaperones in university residences.
      To find out more about the camp program, call Al Huddad at 748-1422. To register, call Conference Services director Ashok Kaushik at 748-1260. More details are posted on Trent's Web site at

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