Trent Fortnightly Online


Fund-raiser for research joins campaign team
Nicola Mitchell has joined the capital campaign team to manage fund-raising for research and technology. Her one-year contract began Feb. 23.
      Mitchell comes from Women's College Hospital where she helped solicit major gifts and organize special fund-raising events.

News media and democracy
James Winter, author of Democracy's Oxygen: How Corporations Control the News, gives a lecture on news media and democracy tonight (March 5) in Traill College lecture hall at 7:30.
      The University of Windsor communications studies professor is also the author of Common Cents: Media Portrayal of the Gulf War and Other Events and The Silent Revolution: Media, Democracy and the Free Trade Debate. He co-wrote The Big Black Book: The Essential Views of Conrad and Barbara Amiel Black.

Literary musings
Two English professors and a novelist will speak about their current projects at events this month.
      On March 6, Fred Tromly talks about Deference and Defiance: Fathers, Sons and Silent Farts in Shakespeare. March 13, Zailig Pollock talks about Hypertext, Hypotaxis, and the Big Yellow Taxi.
      And March 20, novelist Lawrence Hill will speak about his writing. Hill is the author of Some Great Thing and Any Known Blood, which looks at five generations of a black Canadian family who fled to Ontario from the United States via the underground railway.
       The talks take place in Traill College lecture hall at 10 a.m.

Nominate by March 6
Tomorrow is the deadline for submitting faculty and staff nominations to Senate and the Board of Governors for terms beginning July 1, 1998. Information and the nomination form can be found in the Feb. 19 Fortnightly and on Trent's Web site under News and Events/Fortnightly. Nominations can be faxed to 748-1246 or submitted by e-mail to, in which case the candidate should also send a message agreeing to let his/her name stand.

Bata lectures on IT
Bata Library is hosting four public lectures by different speakers on Information Technology and the Academy: The Prospects for Small Universities.

  • March 6, Art Rhyno, University of Windsor
  • March 9, Al Davis, Edmonton Public Library
  • March 13, Dave Binkley, Simon Fraser University
  • March 16, Darrell Bailie, University of Northern British Columbia
      All lectures will be held in the map section laboratory on the fourth floor of Bata Library from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Hosting triathlon
The Trent University Triathlon Club will host the 1998 Ontario university triathlete championships and hold the first Trent high school triathlon March 21.
      Both races will consist of a 750-metre swim, a 20-kilometre bike race and a five-km run.
      The Trent Sprint Triathlon is expected to bring 80-100 top university triathletes from Ontario and Quebec to Peterborough for the weekend. Trent contenders include Shannon Mason, who is eighth in the women's points race, and Jamie Fligg and Gerald McKinley, who are seventh and eighth respectively in the men's series. They are among several Trent athletes in the top 20 going into the final race of the Ontario Triathlon Association championships.

Phone cards to aid Walk Home program
The Trent Walk Home program has sent 1,000 phone cards to faculty, alumni and members of the Board of Governors to raise funds for the volunteer campus service.
      Phone card users pay in advance for so many minutes of long-distance calling time. For $20, a card user can get about 40 minutes of long-distance calls. ACC Long-Distance Inc., the Trent Alumni Association carrier, is sponsoring the card at competitive phone-card rates. Twenty-five per cent of the prepaid charge goes to the Walk Home program which needs the money for radios, flashlights, batteries and office supplies.
      The phone cards are especially handy for travellers outside Canada.
      They feature a photo by Trent alumnus Michael Cullen of two students walking along a snowy path towards Bata Library. ACC printed the first 1,000 cards free for the Walk Home program fund-raising campaign.
       Cards are also available from the Walk Home office on the first floor of Bata Library (near the south entrance) and the Security office in Blackburn Hall. Or call Walk Home program co-ordinator Suzanne Hughes at 742-3668.

File claims
If you want to be reimbursed for 1997 medical or dental claims, submit them by March 31. Sunlife, Trent's health-plan provider, requires all 1997 medical or dental claims 90 days after the end of the calendar year in which the expenses were incurred.

The physics of magic
The physics behind magicians' tricks will be revealed to students from area schools at a presentation April 6 in Wenjack Theatre at 10:30 a.m.
      To register for the Magic of Physics and Vice-Versa, call 748-1332, fax 705-748-1629 or e-mail

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Last updated: March 9, 1998