Trent Fortnightly Online

Trent's new appeal to foreign students
Learn English and take a credit course

Next fall, Trent University is launching an English as a Second Language (ESL) program with a difference.

      The university will offer conditional admission to applicants who meet academic admission requirements but need to improve their English. While they take the ESL course, they can also take a credit course and begin studying towards their degrees. Once they successfully complete the ESL component, they can enrol full time.

      During the first four-month term, students take a minimum of 12 hours a week in the intensive ESL course. Taught by qualified ESL-trained instructors, Trent's course will teach language skills and focus on listening, writing and reading skills needed for university. The course will be limited to 12 students.

      Those who take a regular academic course at the same time will have the benefit of a special ESL-enhanced tutorial.

      Some students may be ready to enrol in a full academic program after one term. Others may take two terms to achieve sufficient English proficiency, which will be assessed using the Carleton test of English Language.

      The ESL program will be co-ordinated by Heather Avery through the Academic Skills Centre. The Trent International Program (TIP) will recruit and provide support to the students, who will live in Traill College. After next year's pilot phase, students will be able to enrol in the program in September, January or May.

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Last updated: March 9, 1998