Trent Fortnightly Online
Trent Fortnightly Online

Anthropology was Jean Wilson's first and last placement

Jean Wilson, who worked for Trent as an academic secretary over a period of 28 years, died Feb. 12 at St. Joseph's Health Care Centre in Peterborough.

      Ms. Wilson started working for Trent's Anthropology Department in 1966. She left in 1970 and returned 10 years later, working for a variety of academic, administrative and college offices, but mostly for the Anthropology Department, over the next 14 years.

      Raised and educated in Haliburton, she graduated from the Shaw School of Business in Toronto. She joined Trent's staff after working at the Montreal Star and Ethicon Sutures Ltd. in Peterborough.

      She leaves husband Ron and two sons, Andy and Jim.

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