Trent Fortnightly Online
Trent Fortnightly Online


Leave a loonie
Students aim to form the longest line of loonies on campus March 23-25 with donations from alumni, parents, students and friends to Trent's Annual Fund. "Show us the money," they say, and support Bata Library, scholarships and bursaries by donating a dollar between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. in Bata Library.

Champlain showcases
Champlain College students are showcasing their creative and research talents at two events this month.
      An evening of art, music and reading March 25 at 8 p.m. in the college's senior common room will feature works in progress by students in writer-in-residence Andrew Pyper's creative writing seminar and a display of art by students Nisha Parikh and Aviad El Gez.
      Tomorrow the college inaugurates the Champlain Conference to showcase Champlain students' research. Call 748-1237.

Send-off for Hulcoop
A retirement send-off open house will be held March 30 for Financial Services accounting officer Barbara Hulcoop in Lady Eaton College Pit from 3 to 5 p.m. Hulcoop is retiring this month after 25 years at Trent.
      For more information, call Marlene Davis at 748-1516.

Register by April 2
Continuing full- and part-time students can save themselves a late fee by registering for next year's courses March 30-April 2.
      Forms and information are available March 23 from Trent college offices in Peterborough and the Trent Information Office in Oshawa.
      Register March 30-April 2 at the Registrar's Office in Blackburn Hall, Symons Campus, or at the Oshawa office.

Seeking lab advisers
Computing and Telecommunications Services is seeking student computer-lab advisers for the summer (May to August) and fall (beginning in September).
      Candidates must have completed first- and second-year courses in computer studies or have equivalent education and/or experience using any of the following software: BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, PASCAL, DOS, Windows, WP, LOTUS, dBase and MS Word. They must also demonstrate experience using SAS, SPSS-X statistical software and/or Macintosh System 6 application software and familiarity with On_Campus E-MAIL, INTERNET, LYNX, and NETSCAPE.
      Applicants must be available to work during night shifts (ending 10:30 p.m.) and weekend shifts (ending 8:30 p.m.).
      Submit applications to Lakshmi Murthy, Computing and Telecommunications Services, Bata Library by March 31. Include a brief resume indicating education, work experience (computing and non-computing related), choice of summer or fall term and hours.

Employee workshops
Learn how to listen, relax, appraise employee performance and navigate Microsoft Windows at April workshops offered by the Human Resources Department.
      The workshop on listening skills is April 1; Access for Windows Level 1, April 8 and 9; Excel for Windows Level 1, April 15 and 16; relaxation techniques, April 21; managing and appraising employee performance, April 29.
      To register, call the Human Resources Office at 748-1550.

Weekend in Washington
A raffle to raise money for Bata Library will be held April 24. The prize? A three-day weekend for two in Washington D.C. May 1-3.
      Tickets are $15 and a limited 400 are on sale at college offices and the Development Office in Blackburn Hall.
      The trip, valued at $1,800, includes bed and breakfast at the Windsor Inn, airfare, Peterborough Century Airline Service to Pearson Airport and $500 spending money. It is sponsored by Ostrander Travel Inc., Trent's official travel provider.
      If a faculty or staff member wins the trip, he or she gets a paid day off work for the Friday. In his/her absence, interim president David Smith will fill in.

Hey, physics grads
All Trent University physics graduates will be invited to the official opening of the new physics wing May 29 following the afternoon convocation. If you know of a physics graduate who may not be listed with the Alumni Office but might like to attend, contact Physics Department secretary Gina Collins at 748-1225 or by e-mail at as soon as possible.

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Last updated: March 19, 1998