Trent Fortnightly Online
Trent Fortnightly Online

Natural Science Research Day
Fish, rabies and wireless computers

Find out what 14 Trent-based researchers are exploring these days at the annual Natural Sciences Research Day April 6.

      Each will give a 20-minute glimpse of his or her current projects -- everything from wandering atoms and bird breeding to global climate models and raccoon rabies -- in the Environmental Sciences lecture hall from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. There will be a tour of the new physics wing before lunch.

The first session starts at 9 a.m. and features:

  • 9:05 Igor Svishchev (Chemistry), Computer Simulations of Liquids and Solids
  • 9:25 Jim Karagatzides (Biology) Community-Based Resource Management: (i) Monitoring Acid Rain and (ii) Effects of Spent Lead Shot in First Nations Communities
  • 9:45 Mike Robinson (Physics/Trent-Queen's) Tracking the Wandering Atom
  • 10:05 Rick Rosatte (Ministry of Natural Resources) Tactics to Prevent Racoon Rabies From Becoming Established in Ontario.
The second session at 10:40 a.m. features:

  • 10:40 Don Mackay (Chemistry/Environmental and Resource Studies) Contamination Choreography on the Environmental Stage: Figuring Out the Dance
  • 11 Dawne Burke (Biology/Watershed Ecosystems Graduate Program) Is Bigger Better? ... A Case for Birds Breeding in Forest Fragments
  • 11:20 Kenzu Abdella (Mathematics) Modelling Boundary-Layer Processes For Use in Global Climate Models
  • 11:40 Brian Hircock (Computer Studies/Applications of Modelling in the Natural and Social Sciences) File Migration in a Distributed File System
  • noon Dave Evans (MNR) Biology and Conservation of Lake Trout Populations in Ontario. The third session after lunch features:
  • 1:10 Bart Domzy (Computer Studies) Wireless Computer Communication
  • 1:30 David Pedersen (Chemistry/Trent-Queen's) Cluster (Not Atom!): The Smallest Component of an Element that Still Retains the Properties of that Element
  • 1:50 Claire Wilson (Biology/WEGP/INSTRUCT) Factors Affecting the Yields and Sustainability of Maize Crops Near Texcoco, Central Mexico
  • 2:10 Mark Ridgeway (MNR) Long-Term Studies of the Ecology of Small Mouth Bass
  • 2:30 Bing Zhou (Mathematics) How to Divide the Plane Into Triangles Without Short Edges.

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