Trent Fortnightly Online
Trent Fortnightly Online

Lectures at Trent

Hear Lawrence Hill
Novelist Lawrence Hill, author of Any Known Blood, will speak about his writing March 20 in Traill College lecture hall at 10 a.m.
      Any Known Blood, published in 1997, looks at five generations of a black family, the first member of which came to Oakville via the underground railroad in the early 1850s. The action chronicles the lives of the Langston Cane family with its connections in Ontario and south of the border in Harperšs Ferry and Baltimore.

Dementia and driving
Drivers over the age of 70 have automobile crash rates that rival those of 16-24-year-olds. Neurocognitive researcher Allen Dobbs says age-associated medical conditions, not normal aging, account for the accidents and he has developed ways to identify at-risk older drivers when they take their driver competency tests.
      Hešll talk about Dementia and Driving: Evaluating Driver Competence March 23 in Otonabee College 205 at 2:30 p.m.
      Invited to speak by Trentšs Psychology Department, Dobbs is director of the Neurocognitive Reseach Unit at the Northern Alberta Regional Geriatric Program and professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Alberta.
      His evaluation procedures for medically at-risk older drivers have been adopted as the standard in Alberta and are administered in some regions as part of an injury prevention program.

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Last updated: March 19, 1998