Trent Fortnightly Online

Web siting

Revisit Head of the Trent
An archive of video captures taken of the 1997 Head of the Trent is now viewable on Trentıs Web site at The picture changes every 30 seconds just as it did on the day of the race, when a video photographer was taping races, spectators and alumni reunion events for viewing on Trentıs Web site. The picture archive page automatically reloads every 30 seconds with a new, randomly selected photo from the Headcam project archive.

Hitching a ride
Simon Rowlands, a first-year Trent student, has created the Carpool and Rides page to help those looking for rides and those driving somewhere to find the perfect match. It's linked from the student life page on Trentıs Web site at

Take a hike
The sound of birdıs chirping greets visitors to Trentıs nature areas web site. The new site features maps, photos and detailed descriptions of vegetation and wildlife for each of Trentıs 16 nature areas. Go to

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Maintained by the Communications Department
Last updated: January 22, 1998