Trent Fortnightly Online

Stop at this intersection by the Trent Child Care Centre
or a security officer might fine you $25.

$25 fine for ignoring stop sign

Drivers who ignore the stop sign at the Child Care Centre intersection on campus can expect a $25 fine if they are caught.

        Campus security officers issued eight tickets in the first two weeks of January. They began a daily surveillance of the intersection after receiving complaints from the Child Care Centre that drivers were not stopping at the signed crossroads on their way in and out of campus during the day.

        Faculty, staff and student drivers as well as visitors have been seen violating the stop signs, says security officer Randy Grims.

        It's the busiest intersection on campus, he says. During the day, especially, there is a steady stream of vehicles and pedestrians going to and from the Child Care Centre, the Athletics Centre and Blackburn Hall.

        If drivers continue to "smoke through" the stop signs, "there's going to be a serious accident someday," says Grims.

        Trent security officers have the authority to enforce the stop sign on campus. While drivers won't receive demerit points if they are caught, they are required to pay the tickets. The university will not release marks and will withhold permission to convocate of student drivers who fail to pay outstanding fines.

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Last updated: January 22, 1998