Trent Fortnightly Online

Searches for VP academic and dean

To: Members of the University Community

The committee searching for a vice-president academic and a dean of arts and science has completed its consultations with the university community about the challenges that will face new incumbents and the skills, attributes and experience needed. Position profiles are now complete and can be found on the university's Web site under News and Events/Trent Community Information/Search Updates at copies are available in the University Secretariat, ground floor, Bata Library.

        The search committee is moving into direct recruitment and candidate assessment. Members of the University community who wish to apply or nominate someone for one of these positions are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. Applications and nominations should be forwarded to Janet Wright and Associates, 21 Bedford Road, Suite 100, Toronto M5R 2J9 or by fax to 416-923-8311.


David Smith
Interim President and Chair,
Search Committee for
VP Academic and Dean
of Arts and Science

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Last updated: January 22, 1998