Trent Fortnightly Online


by Joe Muldoon
Research Officer

Important deadlines
Natural Sciences Research Committee, Feb. 27; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Committee on Research, Feb. 27; interdisciplinary applications, Feb. 20; SSHRC sub-committee on university aid to research, Feb. 20; SSHRC international travel grants, Feb. 20; personally funded travel, March 15

Cancer Research Society, Feb. 1; Canadian Ethnic Studies (Multiculturalism), March 1; University Partnerships in Co-operation and Development Microfund, March 15; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) strategic grants, April 3

$71,000 remains for projects
Feb. 27 is the deadline for applying for 1997-98 internal funding for university research.
        There remains $41,000 to disburse from the SSHRC Committee on Research and $30,000 from the Natural Sciences Research Committee.
        Applications which fall under the jurisdiction of more than one committee must be submitted by Feb. 20. Research applications which involve human subjects require approval from the committee on human research (CHR) and will be considered incomplete if the CHR form is not included.
        Application forms for the above competitions are available in the research office.

Grants up to $1,000
The SSHRC sub-committee on university aid to research considers applications for grants up to $1,000 for original research projects whose modest size, time constraints or early stage of development makes them ineligible for external funds.
        This committee will also consider applications for international travel grants up to $1,000. Apply by Feb. 20.

For details, contact the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Otonabee College 101, at 748-1245 or consult the Web site

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Last updated: January 22, 1998