Trent Fortnightly Online


On reconciliation
The Native Studies Department hosts an information session on Jan. 23 at 9 a.m. in the Native Studies lounge, Otonabee College, about the recent statement of reconciliation delivered by the Canadian government to aboriginal peoples.

Lunch with mayor
Sylvia Sutherland, Peterborough mayor and former member of Trentıs board of governors, will discuss the challenges affecting municipal governments today and the role post-secondary institutions play in this city, Jan. 27 at a luncheon hosted by the Champlain Society.
        The talk begins at noon in the Champlain College senior common room. To attend, call Noranne Flower at 748-1237.

About museum studies
Find out about the joint Trent and Sir Sandford Fleming College Museum Studies Program at an information night Jan. 28 in Champlain College council chambers at 7 p.m.

Performing Bacchae
The Classics Drama Group presents Euripides's Bacchae in Lady Eaton College Pit Jan. 29-Feb.1 and Feb. 4-6 at 8 p.m.
        Considered one of the greatest Greek tragedies and Euripides's finest, the play is about Dionysusı gruesome revenge on Thebes king Pentheus for not recognizing him as a god worthy of worshiping.
        The 90-minute, one-act drama features a cast of 15 students, live music and a choreographed chorus. It is directed by classics professor Martin Boyne with MA student Arlene Allan as chorus director. Playing Dionysus is first-year student Cosmin Neamtu. Sasha Gajic plays Pentheus; Sandy Ignagni, Agave; Steve Kennedy, Cadmus); George Kovacs, Teiresias; and Kim O'Hearn is the chorus leader.
        Eminent Euripidean scholar Desmond Conacher, professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, will be guest of honor on opening night. He will be staying at Champlain College Jan. 28-30 during which time he will give a guest lecture in Classical Literature 100.
        Tickets are $5, available in advance from Martin Boyne ( or at the door.

Broken Broom bonspiel Feb. 14
The Trent University Social and Athletic Club is holding its 11th annual Broken Broom Curling Bonspiel Feb. 14 at Lakefield Curling Club. To register, call Miles Ecclestone at 748-1546.

Famous chef is keynote speaker
Famed Canadian chef and food writer Bonnie Stern will join master chef David St. John Grubb as keynote speakers this year at the fourth annual Chefs Culinary Conference Feb. 16-20 at Trent.
        About 100 chefs and managers from universities across Canada and the United States are expected for workshops and seminars during Trentıs winter reading week. The theme this year is multicultural global cuisine.

Curl-4-Cancer in March
Trentıs annual charity bonspiel, Curl-4-Cancer, takes place March 21 and 22 this year.
        The student-organized event raised more than $9,200 last year.
        Participants pay $5 to compete and a minimum of $20 in pledges. To sign up your team, see Mark Turner in the Environmental Sciences Centre 201 Tuesdays through Thursdays between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. No curling experience or equipment is required.

Computer workshops
Two new workshops -- using Netscape 4 and working with images on Web pages -- have been added to the half-day courses offered list offered this term by Computing and Telecommunications Services (CTS).
        Workshops include a series on Web-page design, e-mail, the Internet and VAX. For details, go to on Trentıs Web site.
        Workshops are limited to 15 participants (Netscape Communicator workshop maximum is nine). Sign up by e-mailing Kathy Fife at, calling 748-1586 or registering at the CTS office.

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Last updated: January 22, 1998