Trent Fortnightly Online


by Joe Muldoon
Research Officer

Important deadlines
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) subcommittee on aid to research in the arts, Feb. 20; SSHRC Committee on Research, Feb. 27; Natural Sciences Research Committee, Feb. 27.

Atmospheric Environment Service science subvention program, Jan. 9; Ontario-Quebec Exchange Program, Jan. 9; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) undergraduate student research awards, Jan. 16; Ministry of Transportation, Jan. 31; Ontario-Quebec fellowship program, Jan. 31.

$30,070 disbursed on 13 science projects
The Natural Sciences committee on research (formerly known as the NSERC committee on research) has awarded $30,070 in the first competition for university research funds.

        There remains approximately $30,000 to disburse in the second competition for which the deadline is Feb. 27.

        The following researchers and their projects received committee on research funding:

  • Doug Evans (Environmental and Resource Studies), Coupling of capillary electrophoresis to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, $3,500

  • Richard Hurley (Computer Studies), Investigation of file migration in wireless ATM networks , $1,000

  • Tom Hutchinson (ERS), Characterization of foliar metal uptake using stable isotope tracers, $2,500

  • Errol Lewars (Chemistry), Computational chemistry, $2,500

  • Ray March (Chemistry), A detection system for gaseous negative ions, $1,500

  • Erica Nol (Biology), Winter demography and feeding ecology of the semipalmated plover, $2,000

  • James Parker (Psychology), Quantitative electroencephalographic coherence for the cerebral hemispheres in REM and non-REM sleep, $3,670

  • Raul Ponce (ERS/Geography), Development of spatial models for land degradation status and risk assessment in watershed management, $2,000

  • Jim Sutcliffe (Biology), Relationship of physiological factors to maintenance of host seeking mode in black flies, $3,500

  • Kuangsen Sung (Chemistry), (i) Calixarene hosts and (ii) Theoretical studies of thermal decomposition of vinyl azides, $2,500

  • Igor Svishchev (Chemistry), Novel forms of ice and silica, $4,000

Receiving funding from the Natural Sciences sub-committee were:

  • David Poole (Mathematics), The two-color Tower of Hanoi merge problem, $900

  • Peter Scott (Biology), Investigations of polar bear den ecology, $500

Six projects share $17,150
The SSHRC committee on research has awarded $17,150 to six projects in the first competition for university research funds.

        There remains approximately $41,000 to disburse in the second competition for which the deadline is Feb. 27.

        Funding for six projects in the first round went to:

  • Stephen Bocking (ERS), The history of urban environmental expertise in the Greater Toronto Area, $3,000

  • José Curto (History), The birth and death regimes at Luanda, Angola, c.1730-1900, $4,000

  • Glynis George (Women's Studies), Community development, resource depletion and women's activism in North India; the transformation of lived experiences into social and political issues, $4,000

  • Gyles Iannone (Anthropology), Ancient Maya rural complexity in the Northern Vaca Plateau, Belize, $3,500

  • Stephen Regoczei (Computer Studies), Administration as a Profession, $400

  • Elaine Scharfe (Psychology), Benefits of security and vulnerability of insecurity during the transition from university, $2,250

Small projects and travel funding
In the first competition for SSHRC subcommittee funds for projects of less than $1,000 for international travel grants, $10,061 has been awarded.

        There remains approximately $10,000 to disburse in the second competition for which the deadline is Feb. 20.

Research grants

  • Colin Fewster (Modern Languages and Literatures, German), Joseph Roth and the restoration of the Habsburgs, $794

  • Arndt Krüger (MLL, German), The Moravian Mission in Labrador from its beginnings in 1752 to approximately 1800, $800

  • Ian McLachlan (Cultural Studies), The Narrows, $783

International travel grants
  • Fiona Harris Stoertz (History), to present a paper, Youth and Authority in Medieval Monasticism, at a conference on Growth of Authority in the Medieval West in Groningen, Netherlands, Nov. 26-29, $800

  • Teresa Healy (Political Studies) to present a paper, Globalization in North America: Restructuring the Sites of Democratic Contestation, at the International Studies Association conference in Manzanillo, Mexico, Dec. 11-13, $800

  • Fred Helleiner (Geography), to present a paper, Snowmobile Trails: Access to the Back Country in Cold Climates, at the International Geographic Union's Study Group in Wellington, New Zealand, Dec. 8-12, $800

  • Sharon Hepburn (Anthropology) to present a paper, Eating Around the Tourist 'Gaze' in Nepal, at the Practicing Places and Tourist Performances conference in Durham, England, April 1998, $1,000

  • Tamara Myers (History) to present a paper, The End of History? Pedagogy and the Politics of Canadian Studies-History 101, to the British Association of Canadian Studies conference in Stoke-on-Trent, England, April 6-9, 1998, $784

  • Mark Neufeld (Political Studies) to present a paper, Prospects for Democracy, North and South: Democratization and Canadian Foreign Policy, at the International Studies Association conference in Manzanillo, Mexico, Dec. 11-13, $1,000

  • David Newhouse (Native Studies) to present a paper, Seen Through Their Own Eyes: European Images of Indians Within 50 Years of Contact, at the Crossroads in Cultural Studies conference in Tempere, Finland, June 28-July 3, $800

  • Joan Sangster (History), to present a paper, The Politics of Family Life: Representing and Understanding Violence against Children in the 'Badlands' of Ontario, at the Conference on Child Welfare and Social Action in Liverpool, England July 6-9, $1,000

  • Yves Thomas (MLL, French), to present a paper, Artaud et la Révolution surréaliste, at the Pamphlet, Utopie, Manifeste aux XIXe et Xxe siècles conference in Grenoble, France, Nov. 26-29, $1,000

For details, contact the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Otonabee College 101, at 748-1245 or consult the Web site

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Last updated: January 8, 1998