Trent Fortnightly Online


Storey on C.S. Lewis
Ian Storey, chair of Trent's Ancient History and Classics Department, gives three talks on C.S. Lewis this month at St. John's Anglican Church.

        The talks mark the centenary of the birth of the British professor who penned the popular Narnia chronicles for children and was considered the greatest apologist for Christianity in this century.
        First presented as part of the fall education series at Toronto's St. James Cathedral in November, the talks explore different aspects of Lewis's life. On Jan. 14, Storey asks Who is C.S. Lewis? and looks at Lewis the man set against his time; on Jan. 21, he examines Lewis's apologia for Christianity in Lewis and the Faith; on Jan. 28, he discusses Lewis's fiction in Lewis the Sub-Creator. Presentations will include video clips from the recent movie Shadowlands, about Lewis's marriage and the death of his wife, and the BBC production of The Silver Chair as well as a recording of Lewis reading from The Four Loves.

Deadline Jan. 9 for 'b' courses
Because of the mail strike, Trent University has extended the application deadline for winter term half courses to Jan. 9 from Dec. 14.

        Trent offers 12 'b' half courses in Peterborough and 10 in Oshawa at Durham College. Most are upper-level courses that require prerequisites. For a brochure or information, call part-time studies in Peterborough at 705-748-1229 or in Oshawa at 905-723-9747.

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Last updated: January 8, 1998