Trent Fortnightly Online

Search for VP administration

To: Members of the University Community

The university is currently searching for a new vice-president administration to take office July 1. The search committee would like to have your observations on the challenges of this position and on the skills, experience and personal qualities we should be seeking in candidates.

        Any individual or group from the Trent community who would like to speak with the committee in person may do so on one of the following dates:

  • Jan. 9, 2-6 p.m.
  • Jan. 16, 9 a.m.-noon
        To arrange a time to meet with the committee, please contact Sue Bartsch at 748-1499 or by e-mail at

        We would also welcome any written comments which you may care to make. These may be addressed to the Search Committee for the Vice-President Administration, c/o the University Secretariat or by e-mail to Thank you for your participation.


Kathryn Campbell
Marisa Conlin
Marie Doyle
Marijke Edmondson
Magda Havas
George MacDougall
David Smith

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Last updated: December 4, 1997