Trent Fortnightly Online


by Joe Muldoon
Research Officer

Trent research fellowships
The SSHRC-funded Trent research fellowships relieves faculty members from some teaching responsibilities so that they can concentrate on finishing research projects. The SSHRC Committee on Research will award one fellowship for the 1998-99 academic year equal to one course stipend and may supplement it with a research grant of up to $2,000. Applications from full-time, tenure-stream SSHRC faculty are invited by Jan. 7.

Important deadlines
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) personally funded travel, Dec. 15; Distinguished Faculty Research Award (Sciences), Dec. 12; SSHRC Aid to Small Universities, Jan. 7; Trent Research Fellowship (SSHRC), Jan. 7; SSHRC Sub-committee on University Aid to Research in the Arts, Feb. 20; SSHRC Committee on Research, Feb. 27; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Committee on Research, Feb. 27.

SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, Dec. 5; Commonwealth Scholarship (New Zealand), Dec. 5; Sahtu Renewable Resources Board, Dec. 31; Canada Health Services Research Foundation, Dec. 15; Ontario-Quebec exchanges, Jan. 9; NSERC/SSHRC Chairs in the Management of Technological Change, Jan. 15; NSERC undergraduate student research awards, Jan. 16.

Ontario-Quebec exchanges
The Ministry of Education and Training supports Ontario-Quebec exchange projects at the university level and provides travel grants for joint research projects and academic exchanges between Ontario and Quebec universities. Deadline is Jan. 9.

Work in an industrial lab
NSERC offers full-time second-, third- and fourth-year undergraduates a chance to work in industrial laboratories. A list of eligible companies to which to apply is available in the research office. Deadline is Jan. 16.

Resource management
The Sahtu Renewable Resources Board offers funds for research to assist in the management of wildlife, fisheries, forestry and other renewable resources in this region of the Northwest Territories. Deadline is Dec. 31.

For details, contact the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Otonabee College 101, at 748-1245 or consult the Web site

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Last updated: December 4, 1997