Trent Fortnightly Online

Humanities Research Day
Strangers, Martians and big yellow taxi

Humanities researchers plan to tell research tales of intellectual exploration at Humanities Research Day Dec. 10:

  • Feminine Writing of the Self, by Hélène Benbaruk-Lapointe (French)
  • Shaw Before the Shaw, by Leonard Conolly (English)
  • Hypertext, Hypotaxis and the Big Yellow Taxi, by Zailig Pollock (English).
  • Ethics and Capitalism, by John Bishop (Administrative Studies)
  • Ethics and Ethos After Bosnia, by Zsuzsa Baross (Cultural Studies)
  • Youth in Medieval Culture, by Fiona Harris Stoertz (History)
  • Gender and School Science Culture, by Keith De'Bell (Physics) and Deborah Berrill (Education)
  • Personal Narratives and Anthropological Research, by Glynis George (Women's Studies)
  • How Martians Reason, by Chris Tindale (Philosophy)
        For information or to register, call 748-1736, or visit the Humanities Research Day page on the Trent Website at

        The research day is sponsored by the President's Office, Office of Research and Graduate Studies, and Traill and Peter Robinson colleges.

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Last updated: December 4, 1997