Trent Fortnightly Online
Trent Fortnightly Online

A great big thank you

I wish to send a great big thank you to all the staff members and volunteers who contributed their time and energy on convocation day, and in the weeks and months leading up to convocation, to help make the occasion a happy one for the graduating students and their guests. I also wish to express my appreciation to all the members of faculty, the Board of Governors and guests who participated either by their presence or by taking an active role in the ceremony.

       From all accounts convocation was a great success, despite the inclement weather. This was due primarily to the many staff members and volunteers who put forth a real team effort by doing whatever needed to be done in the circumstances. Thanks again and congratulations on helping to put together another successful convocation.

Dianne Choate,
Secretary of Convocation

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Last updated: June 11, 1998