Trent Fortnightly Online
Trent Fortnightly Online

Social Sciences Research Day
Risky life style, folk culture and ancient Maya

Eight Trent researchers will give 20-minute synopses of their current projects at the fourth annual Social Science Research Day April 7 in Champlain College council chambers.

      On the program are:

  • 9:10 Andreas Pickel (Political Studies), Systemic Change by Design: The Post-Communist Transformation

  • 9:30 Jim Conley (Sociology), Conservatives in Power: The Rhetoric of Delinquency

  • 9:50 Susan Wurtele (Geography), Forging Bonds Through Invented Traditions: Immigrant Folk Culture and Canadian National Identity

  • 10:10 Julia Harrison (Anthropology), Clarke Culture Revealed: Imaging the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry

  • 10:50 Don McCaskill (Native Studies), Community Based Research in Indigenous Communities
  • 11:10 Deborah Parnis (Sociology), The Social Production of 'Truth': The Case of Forensic Evidence and Sexual Assault

  • 11:30 Elaine Scharfe (Psychology), Risky Life Styles: Associations Between Adult Attachment and Nutrition, Drinking, and Sleep Patterns

  • 11:50 Gyles Iannone (Anthropology), The Social Implications of Ancient Maya Rural Complexity.

      Lunch is $5 in the Champlain College senior common room.

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