Trent Fortnightly Online
Trent Fortnightly Online

12 earned more than $100K

The president, a vice-president, dean and nine professors earned more than $100,000 in 1997.

      Trent released these names March 31 to comply with provincial legislation. Based on 1997 T4 income and taxable benefit costs, then-president Leonard Conolly earned $152,499.96 and had $7,102.95 in taxable benefits; interim vice-president academic David Morrison $108,429.85 plus $442.64; dean Colin Taylor $106,634.50 plus $3,647.30; philosophy professor Robert Carter $102,180.71 plus $407.55; anthropology professor Hermann Helmuth $104,483.33 plus $396.26; environmental studies professor Tom Hutchinson $100,600.06 plus $403.23; computer studies professor James Jury $106,685.28 plus $396.80; chemistry professor Ray March $101,900.71 plus $407.55; history professor Doug McCalla $100,595.92 plus $401.10; cultural studies professor Ian McLachlan $110,565.33 plus $396.26; geography professor George Nader $103,941.34 plus $416.62; and psychology professor R. G. Settington $104,870.94 plus $7,476.

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Last updated: April 2, 1998