Trent Fortnightly Online


Otonabee College administrator Pat Gage will assume the chair of the Ontario Association of Colleges and Universities Housing Officers May 24 at the associationšs annual conference in Guelph. She has been a member for six years, a member-at-large on the associationšs executive for three years and chair-elect for six months. Her appointment as chair is for one year.

At its 50th anniversary conference in Cardiff recently, the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience recognized environmental modelling research chair Don Mackay for his outstanding service in promoting international professional training and good will. Since 1980, he has employed 20 trainees from 11 countries as research assistants in his chemistry laboratories. Mackay came to Trent in 1995 from the University of Toronto as industrial research chair in environmental modelling. His most recent trainees were from Ireland and Switzerland.

David Poole (Mathematics) has been selected to chair the human rights committee of the Canadian Mathematical Society for a two-year term.

History professor Olga Andriewsky presented a paper Jan. 23 at the Harriman Institute at Columbia University at a conference in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Ukrainian revolution. It was entitled Dangerous Illusions and Fatal Subversions: The International Context of the Ukrainian Movement on the Eve of World War I.

When the third annual Super Cities Walk kicks off April 19 from Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School, watch for athletics director Paul Wilson. Hešll mount the podium as master of ceremonies in his capacity as the walkšs honorary chair, a position he has held every year and used to promote the fund-raising event for mulitiple sclerosis.

Two papers by physics professor Al Slavin and graduate students were presented last October at the 44th National Symposium of the American Vacuum Society in California. They were: A High Resolution Quartz Microbalance for Studying Submonolayer Deposits and Determining Surface Oxide Stoichiometry, with masteršs student Suresh Narine, and Initial Oxidation of Ultrathin Indium Deposits on Gold (111) and Polycrystalline Indium, with doctoral student Michael Robinson.

Lorrie Clark (English) was one of 15 invited participants at a colloquium on Liberty, Civility and Human Nature: The Social Philosophy of Jane Austen, in Louisville, Kentucky Feb. 26-March 1. She also organized and chaired a panel on Austen at the third annual convention of the Association of Literary Scholars and Critics, held in San Francisco Nov. 7-9.

Philosophy professor emeritus David Gallop participated in a colloquium, Liberty, Civility and Human Nature: The Social Philosophy of Jane Austen, sponsored by the Liberty Fund, in Louisville, Kentucky Feb. 26-28.

Ray March (Chemistry) has been appointed to the appraisal committee of the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies for a three-year term beginning this fall. The committee reviews graduate programs in all disciplines at Ontario universities.

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