Trent Fortnightly Online
Trent Fortnightly Online

Appointments approved

The Board of Governors approved the following appointments, leaves and sabbaticals March 27:

  • three academic chairs: James Conley (Sociology) for three years from July 1, 1998; Ian Storey (Trent-Queen's graduate program) from Jan. 1, 1998 to June 30, 2000; and Yves Thomas (French section, Modern Languages and Literature) from July 1, 1998 to June 30, 2000

  • two tenured positions: Jean Luyben (Bata Library) as of July 1, 1998; Edna Manitowabi (Native Studies) as of July 1, 1997

  • three promotions: Charmaine Eddy (English) to associate professor and Susan Jamieson (Anthropology) to full professor, both as of July 1, 1998; Maeve Quaid (Administrative Studies) to associate professor effective July 1, 1995

  • resignation: of Dianne Cmor (Bata Library) as of May 15, 1998

  • new position: David Morris (assistant professor), July 1, 1998-June 30, 2000

  • leaves and sabbaticals in 1998-99: Robert Annett (Chemistry), one-year administrative leave and sabbatical; Magda Havas (Environmental and Resource Studies), second term; Marg Hobbs (Women's Studies), one-year; Beth Popham (English), first term.

          The board recently approved a merit award for research for Robert Campbell.

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Last updated: April 2, 1998