Trent Fortnightly Online
Trent Fortnightly Online

Sports camp adds sleepovers

Trent's fifth annual summer sports camp is offering campfire evenings and sleepovers to youngsters this year.

Once each session, children 7-10 can stay until 8 p.m. for dinner and games, and campers 11-14 can stay overnight -- for a little extra fee. The sports camp offers four two-week sessions from July 6 to Aug. 28. There is a morning program called introsport for five- and six-year-olds, a full-day program for children 7-14 and a councillor-in-training program for 15- and 16-year-olds.

As the name suggests, introsport introduces the youngest campers to basic sport skills such as throwing, kicking, running. For the full-day program, children sign up for instruction in three sports from a choice of 17. These include baseball, swimming, track and field, lacrosse, golf, soccer, martial arts, tennis and mountain biking.

Early registration rates are $110 for introsport, $220 for full-day programs and $225 for councillor-in-training sessions. For more information, check the Summer Sports Camp Home Page on Trent's Web site.


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