Trent Fortnightly Online
Trent Fortnightly Online

Two weeks of Canadian culture

To mark its 25th anniversary, the Canadian Studies Department inaugurates a two-week immersion in Canadian culture this summer for foreign educators and academics.

Summer Explorations in Canadian Culture will offer seminars, guest lectures and discussion groups on national identity, free trade, immigration, aboriginal self-government, bioregionalism, the global economy, Quebec sovereignty, social programs, arts and literature.

Field trips will include the Petroglyphs, Lang Century Village, local galleries, Trent's Windy Pine in the Haliburton area and Toronto. Participants will get a walking tour of historical Peterborough, attend the Festival of Lights and a production of Fourth Line Theatre's new play, The Orchard, and eat in city restaurants.

The course takes place from June 28 to July 11. Participants pay $1,500 and stay at Traill College. For more details, check the SECC home page on Trent's Website, call 748-1817 or e-mail


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