DATE: September 16, 1999
TO: The Trent University Community
FROM: Bonnie M. Patterson, President & Vice Chancellor
SUBJECT: First Report of the Academic Planning Committee
I have had the opportunity to review and absorb the attached first report of the Academic Planning Committee and I am pleased to share this with you. I ask, once again, for your involvement.
Experimentation, idea generation and innovation are hallmarks of Trent's past and must continue to be central dimensions of future activities and operating practices at our university.
Our short-term challenges are significant, as this community knows. That said, for three and a half decades, we have established a solid track record of accomplishments, despite the continual erosion of public resources to support our advancement. Many opportunities exist for this University as we move forward. Our ability to take advantage of these will be supported by clear thinking about key strategic directions.
Academic renewal and fiscally responsible decision making are critical to our future. Our ability to respond effectively to the needs of our students, to public expectations, and to the fiscal challenges we face in a competitive environment, will involve priority setting, tradeoffs and ultimately strategic investments.
We cannot fully and accurately predict the future. We can, however, position ourselves for adaptation, evolution and success that are in concert with current and emerging circumstances and in a way that focuses our energies and collective interests. A method to help us do this is a review of strategic directions and priorities.
Many of you have participated in the various processes that provided input to the committee as it reflected on nine areas of strategic importance to the future of Trent. Thank you for that engagement.
I am now seeking further reflection from you on the recommendations contained in the Committee's first report. In recommending a series of actions and areas for exploration, the Committee believes that its recommendations will strengthen our environment and position us well in the Canadian university system.
Your thoughts on these recommendations, where you would see the need for priority attention amongst them, and any trade-offs you identify across these recommendations would be welcome feedback.
As Graham Taylor, (Vice-President, Academic) states in his accompanying memo to me, some of these ideas will require a larger forum of discussion. Others can be implemented quickly or indeed are underway.
I would ask members of this community to review the document and forward your perspectives to me by November 17, 1999. It is my intent to work with the Committee to review your feedback and identify an appropriate implementation approach. I remind you of a specific request made by the Committee in the introduction to the original survey instrument, that is: "to provide [your] perspectives on these directions and identify where and how [you] would like to take an active role." Your thoughts in this regard would be very welcome.
I look forward to the next steps in this important process. Much creative work by many people has gone into the report's development, including the welcomed leadership of the Academic Planning Committee. That energy and commitment bodes well for the next phase of this process. My sincere thanks is extended to all of you.