Reflecting on Curiosities: Exploring the Benefits of Scholarly Teaching in the Post-Secondary Classroom
Public talk from visiting scholar Dr. Melanie Hamilton. All are welcome!
Event Details
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Trent University Student Centre (1.20), 1680 West Bank Drive Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8
Embark on a reflective journey to explore the profound impact of scholarly teaching in the post-secondary classroom. Discover how cultivating curiosity and a scholarly approach can enhance your teaching and elevate the learning experience for both you and your students. Delve into the tangible benefits and transformative potential of this pedagogical approach.
Please register to attend in person (TSC 1.20, Trent University) by October 1.
To register to attend remotely via Zoom, please register separately here.
This event is supported by the Distinguished Visiting Teaching Scholar fund.
About the Speaker
Dr. Melanie Hamilton EdD, is the Director of the Centre for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Hamilton was awarded an ISSoTL Fellowship in 2020. She is currently President-Elect for ISSoTL Board of Directors. Dr. Hamilton has presented extensively both nationally and internationally on a variety of SoTL topics. Her research includes: SoTL and academic integrity, mid-career faculty and early career researchers, and SoTL Leadership. She is a registered nurse by discipline and taught in the higher education classroom and clinical setting for over 20 years before transitioning into SoTL programming and development. Dr. Hamilton currently teaches in the Graduate Certificate and Masters of SoTL program.
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