Fonds 94-006 - Frances Stewart fonds. 1994 additions

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Frances Stewart fonds. 1994 additions

Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title based on contents of fonds

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


  • Photocopied 1978 (Creation)
    Stewart, Frances Anne

Physical description area

Physical description

38 cm of textual records

Archival description area

Name of creator


Biographical history

Frances Anne Stewart (nee Browne) was born May 24, 1794, daughter of Reverend Francis Browne and Anna Maria Noble, in Dublin, Ireland. In 1796, Rev. Browne died quite suddenly in front of his wife. The resulting shock left Frances' mother somewhat of anRead more

Custodial history

This fonds was created by Jean Shearman and her sisters. It was in the custody of Jean Shearman before it was donated to the Trent University Archives.

Scope and content

This addition to the fonds represents a compendium of Stewart materials. It consists of 5 volumes of transcriptions of letters, journals and other papers of Frances Stewart of Douro Township, Upper Canada, and other family members. These 5 volumesRead more

Notes area

Immediate source of acquisition

This fonds was donated by Jean Shearman.

Restrictions on access


Generated finding aid

Associated materials

Associated material located at the Archives of Ontario.
For related records see: 69-1003, 71-001, 75-011, 93-1013, 94-007, 94-1002 and 02-001.


This fonds, along with 74-1006, 77-1006, 78-008, 92-1002, 94-1001, and 97-023, is an addition to 74-1005.

General note

Note: O=original; T=transcript; P=photocopy.

Following are examples of letters found in the transcribed volumes. The number in bold refers to the page number of the transcription of the said letter.

ca. 1780

Elizabeth Waller to HarrietRead more

Access points

Place access points

Genre access points