Fonds 93-011 - Kenneth E. Kidd fonds. 1993 additions

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Kenneth E. Kidd fonds. 1993 additions

Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title based on creator of fonds

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


  • 1935-1991 (Creation)
    Kidd, Kenneth E.

Physical description area

Physical description

10 m of textual records

Archival description area

Name of creator


Biographical history

Professor Kenneth E. Kidd was born July 21, 1906 at Barrie, Ontario as the son of D. Ferguson Kidd and Florence May Jebb. He was educated at Victoria College at the University of Toronto (B.A. 1931 and M.A. 1937). He also attended the University ofRead more

Custodial history

This fonds was created by and in the custody of Kenneth E. Kidd before it was donated to the Trent University Archives.

Scope and content

This addition to the fonds consists of correspondence, research notes, newspaper clippings, art catalogues, manuscripts relating to Paul Kane; anthropological research, Irish literary personalities, native art, culture and artifacts, cutlery and tradeRead more

Notes area

Immediate source of acquisition

This fonds was donated by Kenneth E. Kidd

Restrictions on access


Associated materials

For related records see: 80-030, 92-007.


This fonds along with 92-007, 95-009, 95-024, and 05-014 is an addition to 80-030

General note

Some of the records are in French

General note

Box 1

Research Materials (xerox or tear sheet)

Rice Lake Indian Reserve Accounts 1889-1898

Report on Montagnais Villages 1879

Macdonnell Diary c.1790

Lt. Ware (or Warre)--Notes c.1844

Quetton St. George--Selection of Papers

Robert Schuyler: Images ofRead more

Access points

Genre access points