Trent-in-Ghana Participant 2012-2013
The Trent-in-Ghana program offered the most learning I could have ever imagined to influence me over the course of my university degree. For me, Ghana was a chance to learn very naturally, outside of the classroom in a hands-on, real life situation. This strongly complimented and enhanced my other years of traditional university education. I learned a lot about Ghana, development, research, politics, etc. However, I learned more about myself within this world, and this was ultimately how I grew the most from the program.
I entered the program from the perspective of an Environmental Chemistry major. The placement portion of this program is wonderful because it allows each student to approach the internship from a unique place. I undertook my internship with the Water Research Institute and was able to use my knowledge of chemistry to write a report on lake water quality in Accra. The context of this project was quite different from similar projects in Canada. Tasks that would normally be second nature to me at home were more complex in Ghana. This provoked my creativity, determination, communication skills, and problem-solving – many traits which had previously been unexercised.
Trent-in-Ghana was such a transformative experience as I became more informed, both academically and socially. Moreover, it was just so much fun! I connected with so many amazing people and made very close friendships. I was able to travel on the road less travelled, see beautiful places, meet beautiful people, celebrate culture and differences and similarities, all while picking up a full year of university credits. That isn’t to say that it wasn’t hard sometimes. But for me, Trent-in-Ghana was an overarching story of culture, society, environment, and all the grey space in between (and yes, there is lots of grey space in between). I have emerged from the other side of the program with more wisdom about the world around me.
I encourage students to seriously consider this program. As cliché as it may sound, it is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that can expand your horizons in a very meaningful way.