Health and Safety A- Z
Topic: Program
A policy establishes a set of principles used to guide decision-making. Programs describe the specific actions taken to implement a policy.
The University’s Health and Safety Policy includes a responsibility framework through which work-unit-based (e.g. Departmental) Health and Safety Programs are established and maintained.
To be effective every H&S program should address each of the following 8 elements:
- Clearly established roles and responsibilities
- The identification, assessment and control of hazards
- Effective communication
- Training
- Documentation
- Incident reporting and follow up actions to prevent a reoccurrence
- Regular inspections , audits (as required)
- Ongoing program review and improvement
The Joint Health and Safety Committee and Risk Management have developed tools intended to facilitate the development, review and improvement of H&S programs. Look for a H&S Program Development Template and H&S Program Development Checklist on the H&S portal.
For information see:
Health and Safety Programs, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)
Occupational Health and Safety Act s. 25 (2) (j)
Additional Resources:
Last Revised: November 20, 2015