Workplace injury or illness - What to do if you experience an injury or illness while at work?
In general, if you require an Ambulance call 911 (police, fire, ambulance) and Campus Security at 705-748-1333 (x1333 from a Trent phone). Campus Security will help direct emergency personnel to your location saving valuable response time.
If you experience an injury/illness while at work that requires first aid please contact Campus Security at x1333 (748-1333) to request first aid assistance from TUEFRT in addition to assistance from Campus Security;
How to Report an injury or illness
In addition to the above you must also:
Report the injury/illness to your immediate supervisor and please fill out the Supervisors Incident Report.
Report the injury/illness to the Health and Safety Office at 748-1460 or by email to If you are reporting an injury/illness outside of office hours please contact Campus Security at 748-1333.
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) requires a written injury/illness report within three calendar days of any work-related injury/illness that results in medical attention (anything beyond first aid), lost time (beyond the day of injury/illness) or a reduction of pay.
Injuries/illness should be reported to Health and Safety as soon as possible and no later than 48 hours after the injury. Health and Safety will complete and submit the required reports to the WSIB.
Supervisors must complete a Supervisor's Incident Investigation Report within 48 hours.
Other Important Injury/Illness Information
The WSIB levies $250 fines for late reporting and more substantial fines may apply for injuries that are not reported. These fees may be charged to the employing department, where appropriate.
Supervisors should ensure that staff understand these reporting procedures and are to let you know immediately of any work-related injuries or illness.
Each Department should also post a copy of the WSIB poster, “In Case of Injury at Work”. Copies of this poster are available from Human Resources.
Injury Reporting Students and Guests
Any student or guest who sustains an injury or illness while at the University or while engaged in University-related activities is encouraged to report the injury to Campus Security as soon as possible after an injury/illness occurs. Campus Security can be reached by dialing 705-748-1333. Campus security will document events and advise the appropriate managers, as required, so that steps can be taken to prevent another injury.