The Eco-Mentorship Certificate Program is an innovative opportunity offered to teacher candidates. A collaboration between the School of Education and Camp Kawartha, it draws on expertise from the local environmental education community. Becoming an Eco-Mentor tells principals that you are committed to bringing environmental education to your students and using it to build social capital in the school community.
Participation in the program helps you learn how to:
- integrate outdoor activities and nearby green spaces into your teaching practice, safely and with purpose;
- develop strategies for integrating environmental education across the curriculum in positive and hopeful ways;
- infuse the Indigenous roots of environmental education in your teaching.
It also provides you with the opportunity to share experiences and expertise acquired before joining the program. Participants attend a series of half-day workshops on Saturdays, held at the Camp Kawartha Environment Centre, adjacent to the Trent campus. To gain the certificate participants then have to implement their learning during school placements.