One of the many great things about Trent University is our long tradition of student advocacy and activism. Student leaders are involved in a wide range of campus consultations and decision-making, including around developing policies and student services. Notably, the Colleges and Student Services Committee advises the Office of Student Affairs on student concerns, provides feedback and direction around student services, and approves student service fee increases.
Also in this section is information about the Student Charter of Rights and Responsibilities, which was developed with extensive student consultation. The Charter guides student conduct, with a focus on prevention and education, and with a range of options for students who encounter behavioural problems from other students. The Sexual Violence Policy, also developed with student leaders, outlines educational and preventive approaches and options for individuals who have experienced sexual assault. The Centre for Human Right, Equity & Accessibility leads conversations and initiatives related to human rights at Trent University as well as providing advice on and helping to resolve human rights complaints.
Contact Campus Security at 705-748-1333 (Peterborough) or 905-435-5111 (Durham) if you are experiencing an unsafe situation or need help, or for tips about personal safety on campus.